The Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocates for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities. Our purpose is to protect and promote the Resident Rights guaranteed these residents under federal and state law and regulations.
We are trained to receive complaints and resolve problems in situations involving quality of care, use of restraints, transfer and discharge, abuse and other aspects of resident dignity and rights.
SB 5606 has a hearing scheduled for February 14, 2025. Please sign in “PRO” no later than 7:00 AM on February 14, 2025.
Please take 30 seconds to support the Long-Term Care Ombuds Program and sign in pro on SB 5606, which creates a process at the Department of Commerce and establishes the baseline exception of 1 Full Time paid staff to every 2,000 licensed long term care beds, so we have a level of funding that is:
Want to learn more? SB 5606 serves as the companion bill HB 1664. The attached form is a fact sheet of HB 1664.
Sign In PROWAC 388-97-0300
A posting of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all relevant state client advocacy groups such as the state survey and certification agency, the state licensure office, the state ombuds program, the protection and advocacy network, and the medicaid fraud control unit
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Thank you so much for your support! This podcast is brought to you by the Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, working to ensure the rights, dignity, and well-being of individuals living in long-term care today and tomorrow. The LTCO program is operated by the Multi-Service Center, a private non-profit located in Federal Way, Washington. To learn more about the Multi-service center visit
During the pandemic, the Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has been busy reaching out to long-term care residents by letter, phone, and postcard. Hear from three committed ombuds who share what it has been like during the state emergency.
To learn more about volunteering, contact your local ombudsman program.